Behind the screens of this site there is a long, long history of passion, research, creativity. For almost 35 years the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Theatre Studies (Centro Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Rinascimentale), founded and guided by Federico Doglio, was promoting the scientific research on drama & theatre, accompanied by the especially produced performances and realised by the professional theatre companies.
Every year, since 1976, an international Convegno (conference) was organised gathering scholars from many countries and disciplines and in such interdisciplinary way some forgotten theatre plays from the past were not only studied in their cultural, religious and social context, but also staged as the result of theatrical philological research conducted by both, directors and companies of actors.
Recently, September 2015, the Centre signed the letter of collaboration with the association Ente Ottava Medioevale in Orte about the promotion of theatre and local ancient tradition as a part of the cultural mission within the local community; the Centre agreed to offer the scientific support for the eventually organised seminars, conferences and festivals with the performances. The Ente, on its side, will host the entire collection of the books, brochures and performance records produced all over the years of the Centre’s activity. The Collection is a part of the Biblioteca Medievale in Palazzo Roberteschi (Orte).